Control Bleeding Course

An in-depth course on how to control bleeding in an emergency setting as well as in a controlled medical environment.

$49.00 for 6 months

SKU: stb Category:


Control Bleeding

An in-depth course on how to control bleeding in an emergency setting, as well as in a controlled medical environment.

Introduction Video

Target Audience

– High School Students who want to pursue a medical career

– Undergraduate students who wish to stand out by perfecting their skills ahead of time

– Pre-med students who want to improve their med-school application and perfect their skills ahead of time

– Medical School Students

– Qualified Medical Professionals who want a refresher course

– Members of the public who wish to gain the skills to save a life if/when an emergency or mass casualty event occurs

Difficulty Level



+-40 Hours (including practical projects).


– Register with Apprentice Doctor Academy

– Enroll in Course

– Simulation Kit (optional but recommended to complete the practical projects and practice the techniques you learn)

Control Bleeding CourseControl Bleeding Course

Click here to order your Control Bleeding Sim Kit

Certified Credits

Equivalent to twenty-five shadowing hours

Control Bleeding Course


The Apprentice Doctor® Control Bleeding Course and accompanying Control Bleeding Simulation Kit (including all items and instruments in the kit) are exclusively intended for educational and training purposes. No instrument or item may be used in a real clinical medical setting (emergency or otherwise).

– Some applications in this course are appropriate for use/to be applied by the general public (proof of training within the past two years required), and some applications should only be used/applied by suitably qualified medical professionals. The various practical training projects are clearly marked accordingly.

– Members of the public and all people without a formal medical qualification may open themselves to medicolegal litigation if applying techniques only appropriate/allowed for qualified medical professionals.

The simulator arm/leg simulation vein and artery tubes contain latex. We do supply latex-free simulator arms/legs as an alternative on request.

– If used in association with colored saline or fake blood—staining on surfaces and clothing may occur if not adequately protected.

– The Apprentice Doctor® Control Bleeding Kit is suitable for students over 15 years of age. Adult supervision is required for students below the age of 18 years.

– Some of the photos/videos in this course are not suitable for sensitive viewers. Parental guidance for students younger than 18 is recommended. Not suitable for students 15 years and younger.

– The kit contains items that could be a choking hazard in the hands of toddlers. Keep out of reach of toddlers and babies!


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